So maybe I came from a generation where customer service is a top skill to have. Or that this pandemic has limited us from many things we use to think normal before. But….Does that mean be rude?
So you ask the man before me for his ID for alcohol that is my age or a little older. He says something like “July 1972” with a laugh and smile. She responds in a short manner “I need to see your actual ID please” obviously not thinking he’s funny. Taking the ID in her hands, touching to look at that possible fake ID. LOL (no cleaning her hands during or after)
Than my turn and I put my paper bag down (Cost 5 cents last time) she says really loud “I can’t touch that. “ Oh, really that was it for me. You just touched peoples ID, their food, and my food (all touched by who knows who) and you have to be rude?
Please be nice we are all in this together!